Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fear and Irrationality

This isn't a film review at all... I just happened to be lying in bed last night thinking about what fear and things that make us afraid lead us to say or do.

I honestly think that when you believe that you know what you want, sometimes fear can effect that. I know I have said or acting in certain ways through fear of how life could change or what it might become. But what makes us afraid? Why are we afraid of anything? Surely people that say they aren't afraid of anything are? There is something inside us that thrives on fear! It's like the fear of when your on a ride or when you afraid of what decision is right for you career or relationships.

Sometimes I think the fear of life can stop us realising what it is exactly we want. I have this fear at my point of being a graduate. Fear that choosing the direction of job I want might turn out, 20 years down the line, to be one I don't like or want to do anymore. This would mean I'd have to re-learn things that I know now, but might not remember then.

Maybe one day decisions will be simpler. But unfortunately not everything in life is a fairy tale...

1 comment:

  1. "Fear that choosing the direction of job I want might turn out, 20 years down the line, to be one I don't like or want to do anymore." - that's an easy one... change what you're doing if you aren't happy with it anymore.

    fear of change is the worst kind of fear.

    while you're standing still looking for the 'perfect' decision, you should be more conscious of the time you're spending staring at the cross roads.

    don't be scared of falling flat on your face either. just make sure you fall forward and you gain some ground regardless.
